S I C I L I A   C L A S S I C A   F E S T I V A L

Queen Opera Legend

Ancient Theatre, Friday 13 September, 2024 @ 9.00pm


The most famous Queen masterpieces once intrerpreted by Freddie Mercury and the soprano Montserrat Caballè, today performed by the artists of the Sicilia Classica Festival


TICKETS on Vivaticket

Gallery (section A): € 56.10
Gallery (section B): € 89.76
Gallery (section C): € 100,98
Gallery (section D): € 89,76
Gallery (section E): € 78,54
Cavea (Upper Circle – Section B): € 67,32
Cavea (Upper Circle – Section C): € 78,54
Cavea (Upper Circle – Section D): € 67,32
Cavea (Upper Circle, non-numbered seats): € 39,27




SICILIA CLASSICA FESTIVAL: www.facebook.com/siciliaclassicafestival – siciliaclassicafestival@gmail.com – Mob. +39 339 529 9932




Hotel La Pensione Svizzera – Hotel Villa Schuler – Hotel Villa Ducale – Hotel Villa Carlotta