If you are searching among Italian courses in Italy and you are looking for study abroad programs and Italian courses in Sicily, then Taormina has it!
The Centre for Italian Studies BABILONIA was founded in 1992 with the intention of offering the possibility to learn Italian in Italy, but by offering much more than usual language schools. Babilonia was not founded in one of the traditional destinations for learning Italian in Italy (such as Tuscany or northern Italy), it was founded in Sicily and lovers of the Italian language can be sure, that they will learn not only a good Italian, but also a lot about Italian and Sicilian culture.
The Centre for Italian Studies Babilonia is the oldest Italian language school in Sicily and one of the oldest and most accredited Italian language schools in Italy.
Babilonia Italian courses can be booked as language courses in a group or as private lessons. The Italian language school in Taormina, Sicily, offers study stays from one week up to one year! Along with the Italian language courses, Babilonia offers also a vast program of social and cultural activities in and around Taormina.

BABILONIA is not just a language school but a Cultural Center open to both: the International Students and the local community (Taormina residents and Italian visitors)!
The Cultural Events that take place at BABILONIA represent an unique opportunity for international students to really feel part of the Italian community, to experience cultural exchanges with different Italian cultural realities, to meet writers on the occasion of book presentations, to enjoy art exhibitions and opening events, to enjoy concerts in their school garden (The Gardens of Babylon…). All these events are organized in addition to the regular weekly Social and Cultural Activity Program accessible to the students only.
The Babilonia Language School is housed in a beautiful historic Villa (Casa Silva) in the heart of Taormina: at only 200 meters from the Ancient Greek-Roman Theatre along the beautiful steps of Via Timoleone.
At Babilonia Language School the students enjoy 600 square meters of a botanical garden. Both the Villa and the gardens are protected by the Sovrintendenza alle Belle Arti (the national Agency for the preservation of Art and Monuments). The school offers free WI-F connection and some PCs available to the students.
BABILONIA – Italian language courses & study abroad programs in Sicily Taormina – Scalinata Timoleone n. 10