Taormina Media Award “Wolfang Goethe” – 2nd Edition
An international journalism award dedicated to journalistic works on Taormina.
Four journalistic awards, each of € 5.000,00 (five thousands) euros will be granted to authors of either articles or television progammes on Taormina published/broadcasted between December 1, 2011 and April 15, 2012.
See detailed regulations (in English).
The award ceremony will be held at the old Greek Thetre.
The four awards are named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, André Gide, Edmondo De Amicis and Roger Peyrefitte, artists who often visited Taormina.
Winners of last years were:
– the ‘Swedish Academy’s Nobel Literature, Kjell Espmark, for his article “Taormina svavar i mitt minne” on Svenska Dagbad considered a true song of Taormina;
See the Italian translation
– Luigi La Spina for his article “De Amicis non solo Cuore anche reportage” on La Stampa“;
– Patricia Eghelborn for her article “Models statt Mafia: Sizilien mal ganz nobel” on Die Welt;
– Paolo Valentino for his article “Taormina – “La granita dell’ultimo sole” on Corriere della Sera.
For more information: www.taorminamediaaward.it/