Display of artworks by Andy Warhol
Palazzo Corvaja, from March 21 to June 7 2015
Open every day except Mondays: 10,30am – 1.00pm and 4,30pm – 9.00pm
During Easter Time – from March 31 to April 7 – the exhibition will be open every day, including Mondays, from 10.30am to 10.30pm
Tickets on site and on
Ticket: € 7,00
Reduced ticket (€ 4,00) for under 18, over 65, groups of more than 10 people and University students. Free entrance for kids under 5 years old.
Art exhibition of one of the most eclectic personalitiy of the ‘900: Andy Warhol.
The 60 works of the artist all come from the famous collection Rosini-Gutman: the Campbell’s Soup and Brillo, Marilyn Monroe and Mao, Man Ray, John Gotti, Liz Taylor and the rare canvas with Liza Minelli just to name a few.
In Palazzo Corvaja you will also see posters of his films, album covers – including those of the Rolling Stones, Velvet Underground and Graces Jones – some clothes designed by himself and a video self-portraits.
More info @ Taormina Arte T. +39 0942 628730 –
The exhibition, Made in Warhol, inserted into the schedule of TAORMINA ARTE, and with the sponsorship of the City of Taormina, is organized by Studio Soligo and cared by Giuseppe Stagnitta and Julie Kogler with the scientific advice of the art psychologist Alberto Angelini , documenting the great communicative power of the most eclectic personalities and important art of the ‘900: Andy Warhol. The works on display will be 60, coming from the famous collection Rosini-Gutman (from known Campbell’s Soup and Brillo the famous Marilyn Monroe and Mao, from Man Ray to John Gotti and Liz Taylor and rare work on canvas by Liza Minelli to name a few …) . At the same time the exhibition will propose the celebration of “Things”, “People” and “Symbols” applicants in business art of Andy Warhol (giving a cut exposure strictly “analytical” which will focus more on the personality of the artist, thanks to the contribution of the psychoanalyst Alberto Angelini) that have made him perhaps the most famous artist of the modern era: the posters of his films, the album covers including those of the Rolling Stones, Velvet Underground, Graces Jones, some clothes designed by himself portraits and video. You will find on display, in addition, the screening of a rare interview conducted by journalist Vanni Ronsisvalle in 1977 in Rome, where the artist is taken in his wanderings to the Eternal City, she meets characters right of the social fabric of the Roman period, as Federico Fellini and dwells contemplating the baroque architecture of the city center. Fame, fashion, act as triggering agents for the products of art, rather than works, made by manager / artist Warhol. Products in which the unique art is sublimated in the strength of the violent and disruptive screen printing, silkscreen granting the reproducibility of a matrix of originals that remain such, they become tools of communication. A serial production of objects / subjects as newspapers, decontextualized and made accessible to the general public due to their image / icon that does not require multiple interpretations or readings that have always addressed, limiting it, the vision of the art work towards spectators prepared. The portraits of some of the most famous celebrities of the international jet set testify the period “mundane” and glamorous undertaken by Andy Warhol during which the artist were commissioned portraits from all over the world and from many different social categories of people, as long as wealthy (“Painter of the court of the Seventies” is how the critic Robert Rosenblum defines Warhol). The development of communication skills, virtual or not, confirmed with the passage of time functionality, sometimes subliminal, aesthetic and stylistic choices of production made in Warhol in relation to the persuasive power of the image. A power increasingly inevitable, primary element in all social contexts in which Warhol and sociological communicates, impresses, conveys its values and its techniques and quotes.
The exhibition space will also cultural path Made in Benanti: contemporary art and especially the Pop Art, so closely linked to marketing and communication, approaches to wine and his way of communicating with a “Project “for Winery Benanti, TRANSFORMING the bottle containing the wine, and the wine itself, Work of Art. Three artists for three labels: Danilo Bucchi, Emilio Leofreddi and Mark Tamburro will create, through an event each month, in the “garden” of the Palazzo Corvaja, a work live on cases of wine, arranged as to create a large wall / canvas on which to detonate the explosive energy of communicative neo pop of the three artists.
(Source: Taormina Arte)