TAOBUK – Taormina Book Festival
3° edition
Greek Theatre and the Panoramic Terrace of the Taormina historical Archives, piazza IX aprile
This year the event will take place from Saturday 21st to Friday 27th September in the splendid setting of the panoramic terrace of the Taormina historical archives (next tothe town library). The building, a previous church of 15th century, is right in the town centre and boasts a unique, breathtaking panorama, embracing the Ionian Sea, the coast and mount Etna.
The international book festival “Taobuk”, the first and only international book festival in Sicily is created and managed by Antonella Ferrara and this year reaches its third edition. The Festival is a fixed appointment, capable of bringing to Taormina the most important Italians and foreigners in the cultural sector and is supported by a committee made up of university professors, critics and journalists, chaired by the journalist and writer Franco di Mare Its aim is to promote literature in a town known for its excellence in art and history, the City of Taormina The third edition of the festival – that will take place in Taormina from 21st to 27th September 2013 – intends to spotlight, through a series of original initiatives linked to the book and the authors, Taormina and its entrepreneurial, business and human resources. With the aim of attracting not only tourists or experts in literature, but also fans and readers of literature as well as students and young people from around the country, full of expectations and energy. A festival that was born out of love. Books, dialogue and “Beautiful Words”. To immerse yourself in reading stories that make you dream, places, characters not only imaginary, but real, opening up the hope of a better society. This is how TAOBUK was conceived, with the intention to make it different from the many Italian literary festivals. With passions and beliefs. An international cultural event dedicated to literature and art, just as a place for excellence and cultural history and international vocation, which is the town of Taormina. Always admired and celebrated as a crossroads of meetings, exchanges and cultural resonances, by great authors like Oscar Wilde, André Gide, Thomas Mann, Tennessee Williams, and Truman Capote. Writers and intellectuals who have made Taormina a symbolic place of countless journeys of initiation and discovery, helping to spread throughout the world the charm of a city born from the encounter between East and West. It is in this scenario , unique in the world, along seven days, in different sections of the Festival, some of the most significant international authors will be invited to meet the public, along with equally important Italian writers were awarded by critics and readers. All meetings and events of the Festival will be held in the most beautiful places of Taormina like the terrace o the historical archive, the literary terrace of the Grand Hotel Timeo, and the wonderful hotels. The International book festival “Taobuk”, has also joined a European mobility program promoted by the Commission of the European Union, aimed at easing inter cultural dialogue between young students belonging to the Euro zone.
More info at http://www.taobuk.it/